Sunday, January 22, 2012

Fast Weight Lost

Schedule "cheats". Fast and easy weight lost.  Every week, I give myself one no-no meal like a burger and small fries from Wendy's. These treats ward off cravings, so I can stay on track over the long haul. Strike a sweet deal  I enjoy something sweet — usually a Weight Lost Watchers Cookies & Cream Ice Cream Bar — every night after dinner. It's my little signal that I am finished.

Log your food  I'm less tempted to dive into a bag of chips when I know I'm going to have to face facts and write it down later. Then: 156 lbs. Now: 122 lbs. Fast Weight Lost: 34 lbs. Time It Took: Five months. Adopt new habits  I used to start snacking as soon as I got home from work. Now, I change and head right back out for a quick run. Don't be drastic  Remember, not everything has to be fat-free. I still enjoy regular foods — I just eat less.

Have someone on your side  My wife's support was invaluable. She kept reminding me that every pound lost was a victory. Then: 335 lbs. Now: 205 lbs. Fast Weight Lost: 130 lbs. Time It Took: Three Years. Find a good cause  Participate In charity events. You get to exercise and help others — all at the same time.

Quick Weight Loss Program For Losing Lower Belly Fat

I was a finicky only child who insisted on fast food, and my parents let me have it. I never knew about the quick weight loss program. By the time I reached 15, I was 280 pounds — a "big" kid. In order to be liked, I became the crazy party guy. I upheld that persona on the outside, but on the inside it was tough. At 6'1", 380 pounds, I often just wished I could be myself.

WORST EXPERIENCE OF QUICK WEIGHT LOSS PROGRAM  I had to attend a friend's wedding. To my chagrin, I couldn't fit into my old size 52 suit. Showing up in a pair of size 56 khaki corduroys — the only pants in my closet that fit — it finally hit me: I didn't want to live this way anymore. I needed help.

HOW I DID  IT Some friends had done well on Quick Weight Loss Watchers, so I turned to them. When I stepped on the scale at my first meeting and saw 413 pounds, I wanted to cry. I was ready to change everything, so I was blown away by my marching orders that day: I was to make sure I was drinking enough water and that I set down my fork and rested for five minutes at the first sign of fullness during meals. A few weeks later, I was given a long list of healthful foods to eat, and I revamped my diet.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Quickest Way To Lose Belly Fat. How They Did It.

Whats the fastest way to lose belly fat? Well, my parents fought a lot when I was young. It was a tough time for me, so I'd escape to my best friend's house whenever I could. Her mother made the best fudge and chocolate cakes, and these treats made me feel better. As I got older, I added fast food to this soothing list, and by high school I was 5'6" and 200 pounds. Time marched on, and I got married in 1997. Two pregnancies later, I'd gained another 20 pounds. After my second child was born, I halfheartedly joined Weight Loss Watchers in an attempt to slim down.

MY LIGHTBULB MOMENT  My husband, a triathlete, is an amazing man. A month after I joined Weight LossWatchers to get effective way of losing fat, I attended one of his races. At the event, I overheard a woman say, "Wow, he's really hot." Then there was me — frumpy and flabby. Instantly, I felt ashamed. At that moment I decided my husband should be with somebody fit. I vowed to get more serious about Weight Watchers and my physical fitness. I started training for my own triathlon the next day.

HOW I DID IT AND GOT QUICKEST WAY TO LOSE BELLY FAT  The first time I ran I couldn't even make it to my own mailbox. I was so out of shape, I had to measure my distance by fixtures on my block — a neighbor's mailbox or the next stop sign. Those first few weeks were the hardest, but I couldn't have done it without my husband. He was always there to cheer me on.

Faster Way To Lose Stomach Fat Easy. My Story

Most of my life, I hovered around a healthy weight and was looking for a faster way to lose stomach fat. It wasn't until 2002 that things changed. My mother was diagnosed with terminal brain cancer right after my husband and I moved across the country to be closer to my parents. I'd just given birth to my first child, and the unrelenting realities of new parenthood and my mother's disease collided. I fell apart — all I could do was eat and cry.

TURNING POINT  Five months later, my mother died, but my emotional eating continued. Grief-stricken, I kept shoveling in more food, and by the time I had my second child, in 2005, my weight was at an all-time high. My clothes were skintight, and I was so full of self-loathing, I'd regularly refer to myself as a "fat pig." Once in a while, I'd exercise like crazy or stop eating to skim off a few pounds, but I was always too lazy to start a formal routine. Finally, last fall, I hit bottom. I'm only 5'3", and my most forgiving size 12 pants were too tight. I couldn't accept being a size 14. At that point, I knew I had to make a change.

HOW I DID IT AND FOUND FASTER WAY TO LOSE BELLY FAT  Like many working moms, I often come home spent — so I wasn't interested in a complicated plan. A coworker told me about Weight Watchers' online program and it seemed convenient, so I gave it a try. There were no meetings, but I logged in daily to record my activity and food, and, once weekly, my weight.